
By earning a Bachelor of Science in 护理 from the K8彩乐园, students will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to become a registered nurse. With a career in nursing, you’ll inspire change in your organization, community, and beyond. 完成BSN后, students will be able to provide quality care in adult health, 心理健康, and pediatric care while demonstrating ethical decision-making.

The first two years of the curriculum include courses in biological, 物理和行为科学, and humanities to provide a foundation for growth in the nursing major. The last two years include clinical and non-clinical professional nursing courses and electives.








Experience an unmatched education for your future in nursing. UNA's Traditional BSN program is perfect for individuals aspiring to become a nurse. 教师 bring real-world experience to the classroom, which serves as the foundation for our program. If you’re ready to earn your BSN you will benefit from their hands-on patient stories and real-world examples—approaching health care with a new lens.

拥有多元化的学生群体和经验丰富的教师, the K8彩乐园 offers flexible course schedules, 有竞争力的价格, and a highly reputable education that fits your life. 自1973年以来一直是护理教育的领导者, UNA为你展示知识做准备, 能力, and skills in advanced nursing practices that ensure quality care and ethical decision-making.


领域一(书面写作)- 6学时
EN 111 (120)
新生comi (3)
EN 112 (121)
新生comi (3)
Area II (Humanities and Fine Arts) - 12 Credit Hours
EN 211 - 212
or EN 221 - 222
or EN 231 - 232
英国文学概览1 & II (6)
or 从惠特曼看美国文学 & 从惠特曼至今的美国文学
or 西方世界文学1 & II (6)
COM 201
Art, Music, Theatre, Philosophy, Religion, or 外语 (3) 1
Area III (Natural Sciences and Mathematics) - 11 Credit Hours
MA 110 
有限数学(3)  2
CH 101
无机化学简介 & 实验室(4)
BI 101
or BI 111

介绍生物 & 实验室
or 生物学原理 & 实验室(4) 

Area IV (History, Social and Behavioral Sciences) - 12 Credit Hours
HI 101 - 102
or HI 201 - 202
世界文明概览1 & II (6)
or U.S. 历史上我 & II (6)
ED 299
Introduction to Psychology (3) or Introductory Sociology (3)
区域V - 24学时
BI 241
& BI 242
人体解剖学与生理学I (4)
人体解剖学与生理学II (4)
BI 302或BI 307
MA 147
ν203 w
or ν203或者说是
NU 238
or ν238 r


护理学学士学位课程, 护理学硕士学位课程, and post-graduate APRN certificate program in nursing at the K8彩乐园 are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate 护理 教育 (http://www.ccneaccreditation.org).


You will learn from dedicated full-time faculty—most holding terminal degrees in their field.


What can I do with a Bachelor of Science in 护理?

A Bachelor of Science in 护理 degree prepares you for comprehensive patient care while opening doors to a future in nursing. 通过填写BSN, you’ll find great employment opportunities that allow you to focus your career in areas that interest you.


Initial admission is based on requirements for admission to the University; however, admission to the University does not assure admission to the program in nursing. Admission to the 安德森护理和卫生专业学院 is competitive, and meeting all admission requirements does not guarantee admission to the BSN program. Requirements for admission to nursing courses are:

  • 被K8彩乐园录取
  • Submit a formal application to the 安德森护理和卫生专业学院 which includes an application fee.
  • 资格证书:
    • Students previously enrolled in another nursing program must provide a letter of eligibility to return to the program without stipulation by the dean or director. 如果没有资格返回项目, student is ineligible to apply to the 安德森护理和卫生专业学院.
    • Students previously enrolled in healthcare related programs (other than nursing) must talk with their advisor. 可能需要一份资格信. 
  • Students must be eligible to participate in rotations in all clinical facilities to be eligible for admission to the program.
  • Possess a minimum overall grade point average of 2.75 (4.(0分)或更高, including a “C” or higher in all required prerequisite courses as listed in the General Studies Component for nursing majors.
  • An admission cumulative index based on admission assessment exam scores, 总平均绩点, and completed coursework at UNA is used to determine admission to the upper-division nursing major.
  • Complete a criminal background check and negative drug screen and be in good standing with university student conduct as specified on the application for admission.


The 安德森护理和卫生专业学院 (ACONHP) will offer early admission (EAdm) to a select group of highly qualified high school seniors who plan to seek a career in nursing. 了解更多...


Students may be accepted and enroll in the spring and fall semesters for the Traditional BSN program. Applications are available on the 安德森护理和卫生专业学院 website.

  • 秋季招生: For Fall admission, the application opens February 1st and is due by March 1st.
  • 春季招生: For Spring admission, the application opens September 1st and is due by October 1st.


In-state: $340 per credit hour plus additional fees.

Out-of-state: $680 per credit hour plus additional fees.

了解更多 about additional nursing scholarship opportunities


